Tenders Archive


TENDER NOTICE- Tender Notice. 3216 dated 22/08/2016-regarding Security Printing of OC Stamp for Commercial Tax Dept. Uttarakhand.

TENDER NOTICE-  Tender Notice. 3216 dated 22/08/2016-regarding  Security Printing of  OC Stamp for Commercial Tax Dept. Uttarakhand.

Publish Date: 23-08-2016

Tender archiving date: 05-09-2016

http://samadhan.uk.gov.in, Samadhan Portal (External Website that opens in a new window)

http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window) Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window)

Hit Counter 0018195338 Since: 30-03-2011

Source : State Tax Department Government of Uttarakhand , Last Updated on 16-10-2023